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Support Paper Hope

Get Involved

Paper Hope is an official Arizona based 501c3 nonprofit my daughter, Rio and I founded. Fundraising is very personal to us.

Money donated is spent on things to help women and girls in our community. We offer free classes, free events, free educational material and our personal emergency fund.


Our emergency fund has helped local women and girls in need of small financial grants. These grants can range in amounts up to $100. We provide money to women and girls to help them feel empowered to pay for the things they need but can’t.

One grant recipient, a single mom desperately needed child care for her three children while she delivered her new baby. Living alone with no family, she couldn’t be to the hospital with her children left unattended. We provided her with the money she needed to confidently and independently screen, select and pay for specific child care when she needed.

Funds donated will help us reach more women and girls to give them a financial leg up in situations that seem impossible. We want to empower them to see, know and feel that they matter and are supported by the other women in their community.


Paper Hope events include local expert lead roundtables on topics such as women's health, resilience, problem-solving, mental health, going to college, financial literacy and more.

Your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps and every dollar donated goes to replenishing our emergency fund and funding Paper Hope programs and events


Thank you for your consideration!


Tamra Wade

Paper Hope President and Founder

Here are some ways you can donate:

In person, by mail and online

In Person

Come to our events! We believe in multi-generational mentoring and would love you to be apart of the conversation.

Being Updated



Make a tax deductible donation‏.

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